

    Scheer Americas supported a major global technology company in transforming their hire-to-retire process to promote employee satisfaction in a period of rapid growth. The newly designed processes incorporated software and automation solutions to provide transparency and improve overall employee experience.


    Organization Background

    The technology company recently took a strategic leap forward with the creation of a dedicated Business Process Management (BPM) center of excellence as part of its enterprisewide digital transformation initiatives. The organization recognized the critical value of BPM to create transparency and increase agility to support operations across several sectors and regions, especially as they entered a period of substantial growth. The primary focus was on process improvement and standardization within key process areas.

    Business Challenge

    The organization needed to transform their hire-to-retire process to support recent growth. The existing manual processes were no longer sufficient to hire and maintain the levels of talent required for the rapid growth the organization was facing. Enhanced processes would enable the organization to provide excellent employee experience across all phases of hiring, retention, and retirement. They needed to launch digital transformation initiatives to examine and systematically improve employee experience in the hire-to-retire end-to-end process, but were unsure how to approach the challenge.

    The Solution

    Scheer Americas proposed a pragmatic approach to understand the current state of the hire-to-retire process through the employee experience and process lenses, define the desired outcome, and design a roadmap to achieve the ideal state. A simple, high-level employee journey map was created to identify and visualize major touchpoints between an employee and the organization throughout all phases of employment including recruiting, onboarding, ongoing performance management and feedback, administrative support, such as payroll and benefits management, and offboarding.

    Once a solid understanding of the employee experience was reached, the related underlying subprocesses were identified and documented. Process models were created to capture existing processes, including the supporting roles, data, and IT systems to form a comprehensive view. Through analysis of the current state, process improvement and automation opportunities were identified to achieve the goal of streamlining human resources workflows and improving overall employee satisfaction through increased transparency and simplified processes.

    Future state models were created to incorporate the improvement opportunities and depict the ideal process. With the current and ideal states documented, the next step was to clearly define initiatives required to achieve the improvements. A series of work packages were defined and arranged into a roadmap to prioritize and sequence the required transformation efforts. With these actionable initiatives clearly defined, the organization was fully prepared to realize the identified improvements and progress toward their ideal hiretoretire process.


    The process-centric digital transformation efforts resulted in the following outcomes:

    • Solid understanding of hire-to-retire process through the employee lens
    • Exploration of current state processes and potential for automation and improvement
    • Design of future state processes, optimized to improve employee experience
    • Identification of changes required to reach desired state
    • Definition of actionable work packages and roadmap for realization, allowing for timely and confident value-realization

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